Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Aldachuie

Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Aldachuie

Aldachuie has special meaning for Allanachs as one of the two crofts (along with Tolduquhill) that almost every living Allanach can claim connection to.

There are some wonderful audio clips on the Tobar an Dualchais site recorded with a James Taylor in 1953 who was a great-grandson of the infamous Eppie Thain who ran an illegal drinking den (shebeen) from it. I personally find it amazing that audio recordings exist of people who met and have have provided first-hand accounts of people born in the Glen in the 1700s, and would likely have been childhood playmates with my gt gt gt gt gt grandfather!

Note Aldachuie has had various spellings over the years including Auldhachie, and Aldahie. It also appears as Wester Aldhie and Easter Aldie which mirrors the 1747 Roy’s map entry which indicates two distinct properties.For the purposes of this study however, we have included as one listing as many documents do not make a distinction so it is impossible to know whether the document is referring to Easter or Wester Aldachuie.

View of site

These short clips should give you an idea of the sites and sounds standing looking towards the site, and hopefully give you a sense of what it is like to be there if you are unable to visit.

View of croft Aldachuie today


Forest Path – the view here gives you an idea of the path between Aldachuie and Duffdefiance. The video was taken leaving Aldachuie.


Ravine. Video taken on path from Duffdefiance heading towards Aldachuie adjacent to Righorach.


Meaning of Name

According to ‘Place Names of West Aberdeenshire’ the name comes from the Gaelic,   “Allt a chithe, ‘Burn of the rain or mist.’ This croft is far up Glen Nochty, and very likely a place of rain and mist.” Note from Dwelley’s, the word ‘cith’ has three meanings, 1 heavy shower (of rain, snow etc) 2 snowdrift 3 fury, rage. I think snowdrift here would make more sense than mist, ie ‘Burn of the snowdrift’.

Aerial Drone footage

Aerial view of the Aldachuie site (4k available in settings options)

Archaeological notes from Canmore

There are nine associated notes/ sites from Canmore listed for Aldachuie. There are a further four (not listed below) for Hill of Aldachuie

126470 – Boundary Stone (Period Unassigned)

OS 1:10,000 map, 1975.

This boundary stone is situated on the NW edge of the group of improved pasture fields 350m N of Aldachuie farmstead (NJ31NW 23). Rectangular in section, it is a rectangular block of granite measuring 0.45m in height by 0.3m in breadth and 0.17m in thickness; on the S face there is an incised letter F, and on the N face there is the letter A.

Visited by RCAHMS (JRS, PC), 9 September 1997.

126471 – Aldachuie ‘The Lost Gallery’ Farmstead (Period Unassigned)

The former farmsteading of Aldachuie is now known as the Lost Gallery.

Visited by RCAHMS (JRS), 26 September 2000.

126536 – Boundary Stone (Period Unassigned)

This boundary stone is situated immediately to the N of a forestry track 400m E of Aldachuie. It is a cylindrical granite pillar, measuring 0.66m in height and 0.28m in diameter, and has two sloping facets at the top. The W facet is incribed with the legend ‘MARCH’, and that on the E ‘STONE’.

Visited by RCAHMS (JRS), 16 June 1997.

126585 – Building(S) (Period Unassigned), Cottage (Period Unassigned)

One roofed building and what may be one unroofed building are depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Aberdeenshire 1869, sheet lx), but it is not shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1975).

Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 12 April 1999.

(Classification amended to Buildings; Cottage)

The ruins of this cottage are situated on a steep SSE-facing slope 23m S of the well-made track that runs between Auchernoch (NJ31NW 3) and Aldachuie (NJ31NW 23). It measures 13m from ESE to WNW by 5m transversely overall. The moss-grown stone walls are 0.6m in thickness and up to 1m in height at the WNW gable. There is a central entrance on the SSE.

The cottage is depicted as roofed on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Aberdeenshire, 1869, sheet lx) and unroofed on the 2nd edition of the map (1903, sheet lx).

Visited by RCAHMS (ATW), 11 November 1999.

157142 – Quarry (Period Unassigned)

This small quarry is situated immediately N of a forest track about 40m W of the boundary stone NJ31NW 52. It is not depicted on either the 1st or 2nd edition of the OS 6-inch map (Aberdeenshire, 1869 and 1903, sheet lx), but it is visible on vertical aerial photographs taken in 1946 (RAF 106G/Scot/UK/139 2104-5, flown 3 July 1946), and, therefore, dates from before the forestry was planted.

Information from RCAHMS (JRS), 9 November 1999.

346904 – Clearance Cairn (Period Unassigned)(Possible)

A pile of stones is probably a clearance cairn. Archive: Aberdeenshire Council SMR and Forestry Commission, Aberdeenshire. Funder: Moray and Aberdeenshire Forestry Commission

346905 – Dyke (Period Unassigned)

NJ 3117 1585 – NJ 3118 1586 Aldachuie The remains of a linear dyke. The first NGR defines the corner of a former enclosure. Archive: Aberdeenshire Council SMR and Forestry Commission, Aberdeenshire

346906 – Clearance Cairn (Period Unassigned)(Possible)

A small pile of stones might be a clearance cairn or part of a destroyed dyke. Archive: Aberdeenshire Council SMR and Forestry Commission, Aberdeenshire

346907 – Hollow Way (Period Unassigned)

A substantial hollow-way runs from Glen Nochty up the Hill of Aldachuie. Archive: Aberdeenshire Council SMR and Forestry Commission, Aberdeenshire


1747 – Roys Military Map

Roy’s Military mentions both West Aldachuie and Eastern Aldachuie (Aldachy)



1789 – Birth Record

Duncan Allanach, from whom most living Allanachs descend, is resident at Aldachuie and has several children there an in nearby Tolduquhill. The example below is of the birth of twins Duncan and Robert Allanach in March 1789.

1810 – Newspaper Advert

Interested parties are invited to let the farms of ‘Easter and Wester Auldahuie’.

1828 – Birth Record

James ‘Jimmy Bremner is born 15th July 1828 to John Bremner and his wife Jean McHardy

Jimmy Bremner was infamous in his time as time as ‘King of Nochty’.

You can listen here to James ‘Birkie’ Taylor recount memories of the King in 1953.

Jimmy Bremner, known as the King o Nochty, had a man down and tried to put out his eye, but it was too slippery. Others thought that this was a terrible thing, but he said that he wanted to leave a mark on him, to show him who was master.

A lad from Cromar came to challenge him. He was bigger than the King, who wasn’t too sure about fighting him. So the King went into the house and brought out two swords. He invited the challenger to choose his weapon. The challenger protested that it was nieves [fists] that he fought with, but the King said that it was swords that he fought with, and the challenger went away.

More detail is given on this recording 

The ‘King o Nochty’ was known as a fighter. A tall Deeside lad came to challenge him. The King o Nochty went into the house and brought out two swords, inviting the challenger to choose his weapon. The challenger protested that it was nieves [fists] that he fought with, and went away. The King o Nochty was born at Aldachuie, then took a place at the Mains of Glenbuchat.”

1828 – Newspaper Advert

A lost cow is found at Aldachuie.

1831 – Newspaper Advert

Easter Aldachuie is advertised to be let.

1835 – Newspaper Article

The following appeared in the Aberdeen Journal on Wednesday July 18th 1835; page 3 column 5. (What occurred and the reason for the confinement of Charles Forbes is not mentioned. The full cost of the action falls on constable Smith; the sum must have been a great part of his yearly income.)
Huntly Sheriff Court: Charles Forbes in Aldahuie, Strathdon against Alexander Smith, Constable, Huntly; James Redford Sheriff Officer, Huntly; and John Carr, Police Officer in Huntly.
This was an action at the pursuer’s instance, to recover from the defenders the sum of £8 6s 8d Sterling, as recompense and solatium for damage, incurred by them, in so far as they, or one or other of them, on the sixth day of May last, induced the pursuer on false pretences to go into a room, in the Gordon Arms Inn, and while there, assaulted and confined him as a prisoner, and even went the length of hand cuffing the pursuer, and all without any legal warrant or authority what so ever.
It appeared that the other two defenders merely acted as assistants to Smith in the matter, and the Sheriff having remarked on the serious nature of the offence committed by an officer of the law, decreed against Smith for the full sum of the libel, with expenses, and with the pursuer’s concurrence assoilzed the other defenders.

1841 – Census

The 1841 census states the following individuals as resident in East Aldachuie. Note next to Charles Farquharson, 1 inhabited and 1 uninhabited property is marked. Also 1 inhabited is maked against James Wattie

  • James Wattie – 55 – Ag Lab
  • Mary Wattie – 40
  • Charles Farquharson – 45 – Ag Lab
  • Margaret Farquharson – 45
  • Robert Farquharson – 8
  • Alexander Farquharson – 6
  • John Farquharson – 4
  • Cecil Farquharson – 80
  • Betty Thain – 15 – Female Servant

The 1841 census states the following individuals as resident in East Aldachuie. Note next to John Bremner, 1 inhabited and 1 uninhabited property is marked.

  • John Bremner – 40 – Farmer
  • Garden Bremner – 35
  • Alexander Bremner – 30
  • Gordon Bremner – 20
  • James Bremner – 12
  • Janet Bremner – 11
  • Jane Bremner – 8
  • Mary Coutts – 30 – Female Servant

1843 – Map

Aldachuie is featured on the first OS map

1844 – Newspaper Article

William Farquharson of Aldachuie wins ‘Best Dressed Highlander’ , ‘Leaping the Bar’ and ‘Dancing’ at Lonach.

1845 – Newspaper Article

Peter Reid of Aldachuie is found guilt of trespassing in search of game.

1851 – Census

The 1851 census states the following individuals as resident in Aldachuie. The enumerator has divided Aldachuie into two dwellings (number 41 headed by James Bremner and number 42 headed by Sophia Glass)

  • James Bremner – 43 – Head – Farmer of 50 acres, 30 of pasture– POB Strathdon
  • Garden Bremner – 48 – Brother – Farm Servant – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Bremner – 46 – Brother – Farm Servant – POB Strathdon
  • Gordon Bremner – 38 – Brother – Farm Servant– POB Strathdon
  • Jessie Stewart – 22 – Servant – House Servant – POB Inveravon, Banffshire
  • Mary Smith- 18 – Servant – General Servant – POB (Auch…) Aberdeenshire
  • John Coutts – 35 – Servant – Farm Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • Sophia Glass – 67 – Head – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Ann Glass – 59 – Sister – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon

1861 – Census

The 1861 census states the following individuals as resident in Aldachuie. The enumerator has divided Aldachuie into two dwellings (number 36 headed by Sophia Glass and number 37 headed by James Bremner)

  • Sophia Glass – 77 – Head – Pauper (Ag Lab) – POB Strathdon
  • James Bremner – 54 – Head – Farmer of 50 acres– POB Strathdon
  • Garden Bremner – 59 – Brother – Ploughman – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Bremner – 56 – Brother – Ploughman– POB Strathdon
  • James Bremner – 30 – Nephew – Shepherd– POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Bremner – 25 – Nephew -Farm Servant– POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Bremner – 20 – Niece – Housekeeper– POB Tomintoul, Banffshire
  • Elizabeth McKenzie – 24 – Servant – Domestic Servant– POB Inveravon, Banffshire

1868 – Newspaper Article

A petition of sale is advised in national papers.

1871 – Census

The 1871 census states the following individuals as resident in Aldachuie. The enumerator has classified Aldachuie into three properties, (number 44 headed by James Bremner, number 45 headed by Alexander Bremner and number 46 headed by James Bremner)

  • James Bremner – 42 – Head – Sheep Grazier  – POB Strathdon
  • Jessie Bremner – 29 – Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Jane Bremner – 3 – Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • James Bremner – 1 – Son – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Bremner – 32 – Head – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Bremner – 31 – Wife – POB Kirkmichael, Banffshire
  • John Bremner – 4 – Son – POB Glenbucket
  • Jane Bremner – 2 – Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • Jessie Bremner – 10 months – Daughter– POB Strathdon
  • James Bremner – 63 – Head – Farmer of 1400 acres of which 82 arable employing 4 men, 1 boy and 1 woman – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Bremner – 65 – Brother – Farm Servant – POB Strathdon
  • James Anderson – 33 – Servant – Shepherd – POB Mortlach, Banffshire
  • Robert Clark – 14 – Servant – Farm Servant – – POB Strathdon
  • Ann Smith – 26 – Servant – General Servant Domestic – POB Inveravon Banffshire

1875 – Newspaper Article

A notice of sale of estate appears in newspapers of farms belonging to the Earl of Fife.

1880 – Newspaper Article

Details of a ploughing match in March 1880 at Invernetty in which James McHardy of Aldachuie particpated.

1881 – Census

The 1881 census states the following individuals as resident in Aldachuie (marked as Wester in Census with Easter marked as uninhabited)

  • Alexander Bremner – 42 – Head – Farmer (of 10 acres of which 8 arable) – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Bremner – 41 – Wife – Farmer’s Wife – POB Kirkmichael, Banffshire
  • John Bremner – 14 – Son – Scholar – POB Glenbucket
  • Jane Bremner – 12 – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Jessie Bremner – 10 – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Bremner – 10 – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret Bremner – 6 – Scholar- POB Strathdon
  • James Bremner – 4 – Son – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Bremner – 2 – Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • William Bremner – 1 month – Son  – POB Strathdon
  • Helen McHardy – 30 – Servant – General Servant – POB Aberdeenshire Echt
  • James McHardy – 24 – Servant – Farm Servant – POB Strathdon

1891 – Census

The 1891 census states the following individuals as resident in Aldachuie

  • Alexander Bremner – 52 – Head – Farmer  – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Bremner – 51 – Wife – Farmer’s Wife – POB Kirkmichael, Banffshire
  • John Bremner – 24 – Son – Farmer’s Son – POB Glenbucket
  • Jane Bremner – 22 – Farmer’s Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • Jessie Bremner – 20 – Farmer’s Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret Bremner – 16 – Farmer’s Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • James Bremner – 14 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Eliza Bremner – 12 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • William Bremner – 10 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Charles Bremner – 7 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Robert Farquharson – 32 – Servant – Farm Servant – POB Strathdon

1893 – Newspaper Article

A meeting of the schoolboard is held at Aldachuie.

1893 – Newspaper Article

Article detailing marriage of Jane Bremner

1896 – Newspaper Article

Mrs Bremner of Aldachuie assists at the Lonach Stall. This must have been an amazing event for the participants – Dr Howie gave rides in Scotland’s first ever car, and Sir Charles Stewart Forbes gave ‘practical demonstrations of the Röntgen rays.’ This is also amazing given X-Rays were only discovered November 1895 and there first ever use in a trial surgical environment was in February 1896.

1901 – Census

The 1901 census states the following individuals as resident in Aldachuie

  • Alexander Ogilvie – 47 – Head – Farmer – POB Fordyce, Banffshire
  • Elsie Ogilvie – 44 – Wife – Farmer’s Wife – POB Durr, Kincardinshire
  • Helen Gray – 27 – Servant – General Servant (Domestic) – POB Fyvie
  • George Campbell – 21 – Servant – Farm Servant – Keith, Banffshire

1911 – Census

The 1911 census states the following individuals as resident in Aldachuie

  • Alexander Stuart – 36 – Head – Farmer  – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Stuart – 33 – Sister – POB Strathdon
  • George Stuart – 15 – Nephew – Farm Servant (cattleman) – POB Strathdon

1921 – Census

The 1921 census states the following individuals as resident in Aldachuie

  • Alexander Stuart – 47 – Head – Farmer  – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Stuart – 86 – Mother – POB Glenlivet
  • Ella Donald – 27 – Servant – Housemaid – POB Monquhitter
  • Agnes Donald – 2 – Boarder – POB Aberdeen

1926 – Electoral Roll

The Register mentions the following residents of Aldachuie.

  • Alexander Stuart

1946 – Civilian Residence Register

The Register mentions the following residents of Aldachuie.

  • Alexander Ewing

1966 – Electoral Roll

The Register mentions the following residents of  Aldachuie.

  • Frederick Dent
  • Morag Dent

1985 – Newspaper Advert

Aldachuie is put up for sale for £85000 pounds

1994 – Lost Gallery Opens

Sadly recently closed, Lost Gallery was established in 1994

“The Lost Gallery, established in 1994, is set deep in the beguiling tranquillity of Glen Nochty, a delightful drive through the woodland that surrounds Upper Donside. It is housed in a 19th century farmhouse that crouches low into the side of Moss Hill, one of the gentler sisters of the Cairngorms. It is an idyllic setting which engenders just the mood to appreciate the gallery’s innovative show of contemporary art and to enjoy respite from the fumes and furore of modern life.

The guiding policy at the Lost Gallery is simply stated: it is to show works by Scottish contemporary artists who most excite the owners, artist Peter Goodfellow and his wife Jean.”

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