Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Ledmacoy Coull Labourer’s Bothy

Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Ledmacoy Coull Labourer’s Bothy

The Labourer’s bothy is given a separate entry in the 1921 census. I have given it a separate entry to fully explore the identity of the occupant and location, given previous discussions and speculation on online forums.

View of site

This short clip should give you an idea of the sites and sounds standing looking towards the site, and hopefully give you a sense of what it is like to be there if you are unable to visit


Archaeological notes from Canmore

There are no associated notes.

Aerial drone footage

Aerial view of the site (4k available in settings options).

1921 Census

As wrote above, the only entry found for this site is in the 1921 census.

It states the occupant as Charles Elrick, a single man aged 46, an estate labourer in the employ of Charles Christie (Estate factor). Place of birth is stated as Aberdeen. It also states he is a recipient of National Health Insurance.

Census Charles Elrick 1921 Bothy

1937 Book

In Charles Christie’s ‘Stray Memories of Strathdon’ he talks about the ‘colonies’ in Strathdon and Glen Nochty (irregular housing usually for paupers or those not in a formal arrangement to live in the property).

There is a photo next to page 26 (shown below) simply entitled ‘A Squatter’. There has been speculation as to the identity of the man in the photo. But relatives have come forward to suggest the identity as Charles Elrick.

It seems strange that Charles Christie did not name Charles Elrick given he previously employed him, but conversely if he knew him, it might also make sense that this is indeed Mr Elrick as Charles Christie could have approached him to photograph him.

Additionally, the position of the listing in the census points to this being Charles Elrick.

Lastly, I took a walk past the ruins of the Coull of Ledmacoy and took a photo of the site. You can see what I believe to be the ruined remains in the centre. Comparing the two, and the topography of the hill-line, I think its a good match

1950 Death Register

Charlies Elrick passed away in March 1950 aged 74. The register confirms he never married and was blind.

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