Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Ledmacoy

Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Ledmacoy

Ledmacoy remains an active farm in a prominent position in Glen Nochty. Today it is known for its turkeys and accommodation. Historically though, it has a history going back hundreds of years and has a strong association with the Forbes family. There is an Allanach connection through Alastair Allanach who resided there in the 17th century.

View of site

This 30 second clip should give you an idea of the sites and sounds standing looking towards the site, and hopefully give you a sense of what it is like to be there if you are unable to visit.


Meaning of name

There are many variations of the name in historical text (Ledmacay, Ledmackey, Ledmaky…) but we have used the modern variant Ledmacoy. The ‘Place Names of West Aberdeenshire’ by James MacDonald (1901) describes Ledmacoy as such:

The “Ledmacay (Glen Nochty, Strathdon). 1507, Ledmakey, R.M.S., 31 15 I 1451 > LadMcKay, Chamb. Rolls.  Led = Leat/iady from Gaelic “a hillside,” probably the original name, to which the owner’s or occupant’s name has been added.”


Aerial Drone footage

Aerial view of the Ledmacoy site (4k available in settings options)


Archaeological notes from Canmore

There are three associated notes to Ledmacoy.

127834 – Cottage (Period Unassigned), Farmstead (Period Unassigned), Lime Kiln (Period Unassigned), Watermill (Period Unassigned)

“The farmstead of Ledmacay has been greatly altered since the publication of the 2nd edition of the OS 6-inch map (Aberdeenshire, sheet xl, 1903). The farmhouse is still situated on the N side of the steading, but the steading itself has been subject to some modernisation. The remains of a barn on the W, which has had a water-powered mill at its NE end, has been incorporated into the modern steading. The fabric of the old barn remains intact, but of the mill, only the N edge of the wheel-pit at the NE end of the NW side of the building is visible, together with a short length of lade, and a breached millpond immediately to the NE of the public road.

Before 1903 the water-powered mill was replaced, and a horse-engine (no longer visible), is shown on the SE side of a building adjacent to the SW end of the barn. The remains of a limekiln that was situated at the top of a natural W-facing slope immediately to the W of the steading was destroyed in about 1974 when that area was levelled prior to the construction of a dutch barn.”

Visited by RCAHMS (JRS), 31 March 1998.

75763 – Manor (Medieval)(Possible)

“Documentary record [unspecified] for the site of a manor. NMRS, MS/712/43.”

169314 – Building (Period Unassigned)

This building is situated on a steep, SW-facing wooded slope about 150m NE of Ledmacay farmsteading (NJ31SW 59). Its interior, which has been dug into the slope and is defined on the uphill side by scarps up to 1m high, measures 9m from NW to SE by 4.3m transversely. All that survives of its wall i the SE end of the SW side.

The building is not depicted on either the 1st or the 2nd edition of the OS 6-inch map (Aberdeenshire, 1869 and 1903, sheet lx), and it was first recognised on RAF vertical aerial photographs (106G/Scot/UK/139 3099-100, flown 3 July 1946).

Visited by RCAHMS (JRS), 28 September 2000.”


1620 Birth of First Laird of Ledmacoy – John Forbes

As wrote above, Ledmacoy has much association with the Forbes family.

Around 1620, the fist Laird of Ledmacoy was born. Also known as John of Invernettie, Belnabodach and Ledmacoy. He was the son of George of Skellater and died around 1684 in Invernettie.

In 1664 John Forbes was concerned in “a scuffle with swords and pistolls” with William Forbes of Newe and others, in the kirkyard at Invernochty (Strathdon). (Source: Book: The House of Forbes, by Alistair Tayler, Third Spalding Club, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1937, p 449)


1666 Legal Decree

The below events are detailed in a book called ‘Records of Invercauld‘ which was printed in 1901 and collated local records and histories. Amongst many others, John Forbes, Alastair Allanach and William Taylor of Ledmacoy were decreed against not to act unlawfully against the Gordons.

“A Clan Feud.

For some years previous to 1666 there had been considerable disputes among the Highland lairds regarding marches, privileges, servitudes and rights of property, which were not composed without leaving behind themnot a little rancorous feeling. But in that year matters came to a crisis

by the outbreak of Inverey against the Gordons of Glenmuick. The arm of the civil law was invoked by the friends of the slaughtered ” barrone ” and his kinsmen. But it was weak and not much respected. Such as it was, Inverey thought it prudent to evade it, took into hiding, and disobeyed the summons to stand his trial in Edinburgh. He was advised, as has been noticed, to raise a counter claim on the Gordons for the slaughter of his followers. Whether he ever actually put forward such a claim there is no evidence among these papers. What is more certain is that he took the law into his own hands and retaliated by cattle-lifting and other depradations for the troubles he suffered at the hands of the officers of the law set on at the instigation of the Gordons. These reprisals gave rise to a bitter clan feud, in which the Farquharsons, and their allies the Mclntoshes, banded themselves together to oppose “all and sundrie, their enemies.” This was the age of these ” Bands ” of alliance that became almost universal among the Highland clans.

Alexander Gordon of Abergeldie, who was Commissioner for the Earl of Huntly, had been much harassed by the combination formed against him. He found himself under the necessity of applying to the Lords of Council for a decreet of ” Lawboroughs ” against them This was granted ; and the number of persons against whom it was directed is a melancholy proof of the lawlessness of the country at that time :

” Apud Edinburgum vigesimo Septimo, Decembris anno

Duy millesimo sexentesimo octogesimo secundo.

” The whilk day sufficient caution … for Lawborrows asked was found in the books of Counsel and Sessione ffor Elizabeth M’intosh, Ladie Invercald, Mr. John Forbes’ . . .” Charles Farqrson of Monaltrie, Arthur . . . there, . . . glassie ; Alaster Wat in the Coule ; John Taylour there ; John San . . . there ;

John Corrie in Prestchoill ; Alaster Taylour there ; Robert Gregor, (?) there ; Patrick Nairnes in Lyonniog ; Wm. Nairn, there ; Wm. M’intosh (?)… Nairne, there ; … in the Coggach ; John Grant, there ; Wm. Murray, there ; John McRobie in Dovinboille; Donald McHardie, there; Forbes in Cariehoul ; John Gressan, in Torryhoilin (Tomachyrelyoin ?) ; John Forbes, there ; Alister Forbes off Glennochtie ; John Forbes, in Invernyty ; AHster Forbes, there ; James Forbes, there ; AHster Wat, there ; AHster Forbes, in Bellnabowdnack ; John Gordon, there ; Ahster McRobie, Miller off the Mylne off Glencarvie ; Arthur Kelles, there ; Robert Gillanders, there; Alister Forlses, in the Knockley ; VVm. Michie, there ; Wm. Anderson, off Little Glovvarly ; Alister Mc . . ., there ; Lachen Ferries . . . Michie, there ; Robert Michie, in Loynmoir wricht there ; Alister Rechtie, Corrybergie ; John McConorkie, there ; John Forbes, in Bircks ; Alister Forbes, there ; Duncan Andersone, of Canocraig ; Alister Thomsone, there ; Robert Andersoiie ; Alister Gressich, in Simile East ; Robt. Andersone; Robt. Forbes there; Wm. McHardie, in Corriebroich ; Wm. Summer, there ; Patrick Barrie, there ; Alester McHardie ; John Forbes off Invernochtie ; Robt. Moir in Runnstoche ; John Moir, there ; Wm. Moir, there ; Alister Wat, in Aldhie ; Wm. McLachen, there; Wm. McLachen, there; Wm. Reid, there ; Alexander Mclachen, there ; Alester Mclachen in Tornagaven ; Wm. Taylour, there; Wm. Gall, there ; Alester Mclachen, there ; Alester Mclachen, there ; Alester Mclachen, there ; John Forbes in Ledmacdoy ; Wm. Taylour,there ; Alester Alnach, there ; James Cattanach in Goldarneb ; Wm. Elphinstone . . . John Ross, there; John Dunbar, there; Alester Alnach, there ; James Forbes off Calrachie ; Arthur Forbes, there ; Alester Gall ; Alestr Forbes, there ; John Forbes, of Culonnie ; John Forbes, there ; Wm. Gall, there ; Alestr Gordone, there ; Alstr. Dunbar, there ; John Dunbar, there ; David Dunbar, there ; John Farqrsone, in Altomiebank ; John Grant, there ; James Gordone, there ; James Simpsone, there ; John McHardie ; John Wat, all there ; David Dunbar ; Elspet Andersone, there ; John Michie in Castletoun ; John Michie )’or. there ; Alan Tailour, there ; Robt. Wat, there ; Donald Farqrsone, in Dulisach ; James Claser, there ; Meyr. Wat, in Ardynesh ; George Wat, there ; John Wat, there ; John Bcgg, there ; Donald Farqrsone, Lubnuive ; John Farqrsone in Ordavie ; James Farqrsone, there ; Wm. Farqrsone,

Dahach ; Alister Tailour, in Meikle Corriequek ; Robert Farqrsone, there; John Nairn, there ; James McHardie, there ; James Tailour, in Little Corrihoull ; Wm. McHardie, there ; Wm. McHardie yor, there ; Alister McHardie, in Tornihawes ; Patrick Nairne, there ; John Wat, there ; Donald Bane, there ; John Allen, there ; Wm. Nairne ; John McHardie, in Culnayachen ; Andrew Davidsone ; Alister Farqrsone, Dalnabovv ; Robert Robertson there ; . . . Nairn in the Boggach ; John Grant, there ; Wm. Marr, there ; J . . n McRobie, indwcller there ; Donald Ogyelvy there ; Robert Alenach, there ; John Mc . . em, Glencarvie ; Patrick Mchurish, in the . . . ; John Irvine, there ; John Nairne, there ; Wm. Nairne, there ; John Taylour, there ; Alaster McGregor, there ; John Farqrsone, there ; Alex. Wat, in Tamenessle ; John Gowyr ; Arthur Angus Ross, there ; Patrick McHardie, there ; Ah’ster Tailour, in Lymoch ; Calam Michie, there ; George Forbes off Skelater ; Alaster John, and Duncan Forbeses, there ; John Browne, there ; Alester Forbes in Lyenord ; John Wat, there ; Alester Forbes, there ; James Hendere, there; John Browne, there; John Farqrsone, in Dalhande ; Robert Forbes, there ; John Forbes, there ; AHster McHardie, there ; Alister (?) Forbes off Lynewine(?); Duncan Glass; Donald Glass, there; John Michie, there ; Wm. AUendrech, there ; Alester Forbes off Nevie (Newe ?) Thomas Michie in Torrisheich ; Alester Grash, there ; Alexr. Grash, there ; Alestr Kells, there ; John Grash, there ; John McRobie, there ; Patrick McRobie, there ; Robert McRobie in Ardochye ; John McRobie ; Alester Nairne, there ; Patrick Dunbar, there ; Shames Reach, in Ardochy, John Dunbar, there ; John Reach, there ; John Michie, there ; Alester Gordone off Blelack ; John Clerack in Calmyark ; John Clearck yor, there ; Thomas Ross, there ; James Laurie, there ; John Reach, there; John Reach in Chasendrie ; John Michie, there ; James Michie, there ; Alaster Laurie, there ; Donald Shea, in Bogstoune ; John Ross,

there ; John Webster, there ; John Ross, in Foagiemilne ; Patrick Couts, in Chastletoune ; Alester Grassich, there ; Alester Reach, there ; Patrick Bonach, there ; George Bonach, there ; John Stewart, there ; John Gavin, there; John Grassich, there; Alester Grassich, there; Alester Grach, there ; James Michie in Bromhill ; James Michie, there ; Alester Farqrsone, Tutor of Broughdargh ; James P”arqrsone off Nairn ; John Farqrson, off Reverney ; John Farqrsone off Wastoune ; Alester Farqrsone off Breymbie ; John Farqrsone off Duchrie ; James Farqrsone, their Tutor off Bruchderg ; his brother germane, Wm. Farqrsone off Dalilsterlie ; John Farqrsone off Seuchene … in Dalmonzie, Andrew Spaldene of Assenhillie ; Paull Farqrsone off Rinnabrie ; Barrone Reid ; Alester Farqrsone

off . . . Wm. Farqrsone, his sone ; Alester McVoerich in Almaid ; John McVoerich, in the Milntoune of Invercald ; John McDonald in Kendacraig ; Findlay Farqrsone, at the boat of . . . George Barrie in Baudaprig ; James Camie, in Tantantlie ; Wm. Farqrsone off Invercald and his Tutors and Curators’ ; John McStavich, there ; Thomas Birnie in Tornagarsh ; John Cowie in Drummergat ; John Farqrsone, in Monaltrie ; John McAlester, Coick ; Alester Dick ; Mr. James Roy, in Monaltrie ; Robt. Stoobat, there ; John McAirlie, there ; Alester Bayn ; James Stewart, there ; and Alester Mcdermid, Maltameid. That Alexander Gordone of Aber}’eldie shall be harmles and skaithles in his body, his wife, bairns, men, tenents, Servents, Cotters, shall be harmles and skaithles in their bodys, lands, heritages, tacks, steidings, rooms, possessions, cattell, goods and geir and byres belonging to them shall no vvayes

be troubled nor molested therein—All by the forenamed persons, nor by no others of their causing, sending, hounding out, conniving, recept, assistance and be Vatchabil one whom they may stop and let directly and undirectly from the day of the charge given to them for that effect, nor in tj’me coming, Otherwayes thyr (they are) by order of law and justice, ilk landed persona fornamd under the paine of ane thousand merks, and ilk unlandit under the paine of four hundred merks.

Extractum de libris actour, &c.,

John Oliphant.”

It is noticeable that a very large number of the names in the above list are those of the Forbeses and their dependants in Strathdon, and Corgarff including also some Gordons resident there.”

1674 – Tax Roll

An extract of the valued rent of lands lying in the Shires of Aberdeen from 1674 (Land tax roll) shows Ledmacoy being valued at £330. “John Forbes of Lidmacay Thrie hundreth Threttie pund”

Strathdon 1674 Land tax


1696 – Tax Roll

In the 1696 Poll Book the residents at Ledmacoy were:

” JOHN FORBES of Ledmacoy

  • His valuatione in the publict valuatione book is £330, whereof he himselfe is £130, and John Forbes of Invernettie is the other £200, makes up total £30
  • The hundreth pairt of Ledmacoys valuatione will be £1.6.0  (Nota – This is not divyded among the tenents in the poll list given up but is to be payed be the herator in a soume)

Ledmacoy his owne particular poll is £4 and of generall poll 6s inde both is £4 6 0

Item his wyfe together with his sone and daughter, William and Elizabeth Forbesses, payes of generall poll each of them 6s in all is £0 18 0

  • Item Duncan Baine his servant his fee £10 per annum fortieth part whereof is 5s and generall poll 6s inde both is £0 11 0
  • Item William McConnach, tennent (unmarried) and his wyfe their poll is £0 12 0
  • Item John Muriesone tennent (unmarried) and his mother, both their general poll is £0 12 0
  • Item Willaim Steid tennent ther and his wyfe their generall poll is £0 12 0
  • Item William Taylor, tennent ther and his wyfe their generall poll is £0 12 0
  • Item William Watsone,  tennent ther and his wyfe their generall poll is £0 12 0
  • Item Alaxander Watsone, tennent (unmarried) his generall poll is £0 12 0
  • £9 1 0″

1747 – Roys Military Map

Roys Military map mentions Ledmacoy as ‘Ledmackey’.

1754 – Tax Roll

An extract of the valued rent of lands lying in the Shires of Aberdeen from May 1754 (Land tax roll) shows Ledmacoy being valued at £135 1s 8d

Land Tax Roll Strathdon 1754



1814 – Newspaper Advert

Newspaper advert inviting people to bid for a lease of the farm

1814 21 Dec Farms to be let - Ledmacoy


1818 – Newspaper Articles

Newspaper advert inviting people to bid for a lease of the farm

1818 24 June Farms to be let - Ledmacoy


1841 – Census

The 1841 census states the following individuals as resident in Ledmacoy.

  • Elizabeth Farquharson – 55
  • Mary Farquharson – 30
  • Mary Farquharson – 5
  • William Farquharson – 3
  • Elizabeth McGregor – 10
  • John Archibald – 10 months
  • Elizabeth Stewart – 30
  • Mary Stewart – 7
  • Peter Stewart – 5
  • Jessie Stewart – 3
  • Eliza Stewart – 3 months
  • Peter Beattie – 45 – Farmer
  • Ann Beattie – 40
  • William Beattie – 10
  • George Beattie – 8
  • Alexander Beattie – 6
  • Ann Beattie 3
  • Alexander Brebner – 2


1843 – Map

Ledmacoy is featured on the first OS map

1851 – Census

The 1851 census states the following individuals as resident in Ledmacoy. Note the enumerator seperates into three sperate dwellings, (number 10 headed by Elizabeth Farquarson, number 11 headed by Elizabeth Stewart and number 12 beaded by Peter Beattie)

  • Elizabeth Farquharson – 67 – Head (Widow) – Retired Crofter – POB (Logie) Coldstone
  • Mary Farquharson – 43 – Daughter – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Farquharson – 14 – Granddaughter – Scholar – POB Towie
  • John Archibald – 10 – Grandson – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Charles Coutts – 7 – Grandson – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Isobel Calder – 4 – Granddaughter – At home – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Stewart – 50 – Head – Farm Servant’s wife – POB Strathdon
  • Jessie Stewart – 12 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Hellen Stewart – 9 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Eliza Stewart – 7 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Peter Beattie – 63 – Head – Farmer of 10 acres, 10 of pasture – POB Glenbucket
  • Ann Beattie – 55 – Wife – POB Strathdon
  • William Beattie – 20 – Son – Farm Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Beattie – 15 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Ann Beattie 13 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Jessie Beattie – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Peter Stewart –  67 – Lodger – Licenced Hawker – POB Blair Atholl


1861 – Census

The 1861 census states the following individuals as resident in Ledmacoy. Note the enumerator separates into three sperate dwellings, (number 14 headed by Christina Farquharson, number 15 headed by William Stuart and number 16 headed by Peter Beattie). There is a further dwelling listed ‘Howe of Ledmacoy’ which will be detailed separately on the ‘Howe’ page:

  • Christina Farquharson – 36 – Head (unmarried) – Domestic Servant – POB Strathdon
  • John Dow – 2 – Son – POB Strathdpn
  • Mary Farquharson – 25 – Niece – POB Strathdon
  • John Chree – 5 – Grandnephew – POB Strathdon
  • William Reid – 1 – Grandnephew – POB Strathdon
  • William Stuart – 68 – Head (Widower) – Ag Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • Hellen Stewart – 19 – Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • Eliza Stewart – 7 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Peter Beattie – 72 – Head – Farmer of 20 acres – POB Glenbucket
  • Ann Beattie – 64 – Wife – POB Strathdon
  • William Beattie – 30 – Son – Ploughman – POB Strathdon
  • George Beattie – 28 – Son – Stonemason – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Beattie – 26 – Son – Ploughman – POB Strathdon
  • Jessy Beattie – 19 – Daughter – Domestic Servant  – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Beattie – 4 – Granddaughter – Domestic Servant  – POB Kirkmichail, Banffshire


1871 – Census

The 1871 census states the following individuals as resident in Ledmacoy. Note the enumerator separates into three seperate dwellings, (number 15 headed by Christina Farquharson, number 16 headed by William Stuart and number 17 headed by Ann Beattie):

  • Christina Farquharson – 46 – Head (unmarried) – Domestic Servant – POB Strathdon
  • Isabella A Riddell – 24 – Daughter (Unmarried) – Domestic Servant (unemployed) – POB Strathdon
  • John Dow – 12 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdpn
  • Helen Farquharson – 2 – Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • John Inch – 5 – Grandson – POB Strathdon
  • Charles Gordon- 3 months – Grandson – POB Strathdon
  • William Stuart – 78 – Head (Widower) – Retired Ag Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • Hellen Stuart – 28 – Daughter – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Ann Beattie – 64 – Head – Housekepper –  POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Beattie – 33 – Son – Farmer of 20 acres arable – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Beattie – 14 – Granddaughter – Domestic Servant  – POB Kirkmichail, Banffshire


1878 – Newspaper Article

An article on agricultural progress in Strathdon mentions a new house at Ledmacoy

1878 05 October Agriculture update - Ledmacoy


1881 – Census

The 1881 census states the following individuals as resident in Ledmacoy. The previous three division are now 2,  (number 8 headed by Christina Farquharson, and number 9 headed by Alexander Beattie):

  • Christina Farquharson – 57 – Head (unmarried) – Domestic Servant – POB Strathdon
  • Charles Gordon- 10 – Grandson – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Riddell – 7 – Grandson – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Robert Riddell – 6 – Grandson – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Michael Rafferty – 51 (widow) – Lodger – Vermin Destroyer – POB Auchindoir
  • Michael Rafferty – 17 – Lodger – Hawker (hardware) – POB Peterhead
  • Alexander Beattie – 45 – Head – Farmer of 40 acres of which 20 arable- POB Strathdon
  • Mary Beattie – 24 – Niece – General Servant  – POB Kirkmichail, Banffshire
  • Charles Niven – 18 – Nephew – Farm Servant – POB Auchindoir

1881 – Newspaper Article

An article on Strathdon market reports a sale of a stirk for Ledmacoy.

1881 28 Feb Livestock prices - Ledmacoy



1881 – Newspaper Article

A report on a ploughing match at Rinnaha, Strathdon, reports Charles Niven of Ledmacoy coming fourth in Harness.

1881 19 April Ploughing Match - Ledmacoy   


1882 – Newspaper Article

A report on a ploughing match at Drumalyn, Strathdon, reports Charles Niven of Ledmacoy coming twelth in Harness.

1882 16 Feb Ploughing match - Ledmacoy

1891 – Census

The 1891 census states the following individuals as resident in Ledmacoy. The enumerator has divided Ledmacoy into two dwellings  (number 9 headed by Christina Farquharson (2 roomed property), and number 10 headed by Alexander Beattie (9 roomed property)):

  • Christina Farquharson – 67 – Head (unmarried) – Retired General Servant – POB Strathdon
  • Jane Anderson – 12 – Granddaughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Christina Milne – 3 – Granddaugher – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Beattie – 56 – Head – Farmer – POB Strathdon
  • Jane Niven – 21 – Niece – General Servant – POB Auchindoir

1899 – Newspaper Article

Ledmacoy is flagged as being one of only three unregistered lodging houses in the district. Christina Farquharson states she is now an old lady and would be stopping the practice of taking in lodgers!

1899 04 April Lodging - Ledmacoy


1899 – Newspaper Article

Mrs Thomson of Ledmacoy donates 1s to the ‘Those Left Behind fund’, for surviving families of Boer War casualties.

1899 17 Mov Those Left Behind Fund - Ledmacoy

1901 – Census

The 1901 census states the following individuals as resident in Ledmacoy. The enumerator has divided Ledmacoy into two dwellings  (number 26 headed by Christina Farquharson (2 roomed property), and number 27 headed by Alexander Findlay (7 roomed property)):

  • Christina Farquharson – 77 – Head (unmarried) – Licensed Lodging Housekeeper – POB Strathdon
  • John Dow – 48 – Son – Mason’s Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • Tina Milne – 13 – Granddaughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • John Nicol – 9 – Grandson – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • James Gray – 27 – Boarder – Pedlar – Lanarkshire
  • Alexander Findlay – 19 – Head – Farmer – POB Strathdon
  • John Burns – 56 – Servant – Ploughman – POB Ireland
  • Helen Thomson – 52 – Servant – Housekeeper – POB Tarland

1908 – Family Portrait

The photo below shows Christina Farquharson (seated left) at Ledmacoy about 1908 with her daughters Isa Riddell (centre) and Nelly George (right). Isa Riddell’s son Alexander McHardy (right, with moustache which earned him the nickname of ‘Baden’ after Baden-Powell) developed the photograph (now possessed by his grand-daughter Sylvia Alexander and copied with her permission). Sylvia Anderson’s father James Buchan McHardy is front left.  The other children are Nellie George’s son John Nicoll and daughter Christina Milne who married (1) Charles Stewart and (2) John Elrick   (info from Sylvia Alexander)

1911 – Census

The 1911 census states the following individuals as resident in Ledmacoy. The enumerator has divided Ledmacoy into two dwellings  (number 10 headed by John Dow (3 roomed property), and number 11 headed by Charles Niven (7 roomed property)):

    • John Dow – 52 – Head – Mason’s Labourer – POB Strathdon
    • Christina Farquharson – 87 – Mother – Private Means – POB Strathdon
    • Christina Milne – 23 – Niece  – POB Strathdon
    • John Nicol – 19 – Nephew – Postman (auxillary) – POB Strathdon
    • Charles Niven – 48 – Head – Farmer – POB Auchindoir
    • Mary A Niven – 54- Wife – POB Tomintoul
    • Charles J Niven – 22 – Son – Farmer’s Son – POB Strathdon


1912 – Newspaper Article

Christina Farquharson passes April 7th 1912 at the age of 88.

1921 – War Memorial

The Strathdon war memorial in Bellabeg is unveiled 7th August 1921 attended by the Honourable Percy M Thesiger of Tornashean and Private George Masson of Coul of Newe. It is dedicated the same day attended by Rev William Watt BD and Rev Archibald Thomson of Corgarff. On it bears the name of Charles Niven of Ledmacoy. Charles belonged to the Gordon Highlanders ‘F’ Coy 6th Bn. and died 13th March 1915 aged 27. He is buried at Pont-du-hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue, France. From the Commonwealth War Graves site, “Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Niven, of Ledmacoy, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire. Recent research has shown that CQMS Niven is buried here. Currently the grave is marked with a headstone to an Unknown, but a new headstone bearing his details is now on order. Please contact the Commission for further details. Please note that this casualty was previously commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial; his name will be removed when the appropriate panel is next replaced.”

War memorial Bellabeg Strathdon

1in 2022 there was a rededication service. You can find the Order of Service here with much detail about his life and service. It also includes the below photo of him carrying the Colours of the Lonach Highlanders.

A video of the Rededication service is available, courtesy of ‘Lest We Forget’

1921 – Census

The 1921 census states the following individuals as resident in Ledmacoy. The enumerator has divided Ledmacoy into two dwellings – Ledmacoy (number 45 headed by Mary Niven, a 7 roomed property), and Ledmacoy Cottage (number 46 headed by Helen George (3 roomed property)):

  • Mary A Niven – 64 – Head, Farmer – POB Kirkmichael, Banff
  • Alex Findlay – 40 – Son, Farm Manager – POB Strathdon
  • Isabella Findlay – 35 – Daugther-in-law – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Findlay – 1 – Granddaughter – POB Strathdon
  • Rose Birnie – 16 – Servant – POB Strathdon
  • Helen George – 52 – Head – Housemaid – POB Strathdon
  • Christina Stewart – 33 – Daughter – Housemaid – POB Strathdon
  • Annie Stewart – 9 – Granddaughter – POB Strathdon
  • William Elrick – 6 months – Grandson – POB Strathdon
  • George Grant – 1 – Boarder – POB Strathdon

Please note that there is a separate entry for ‘Labourer’s Bothy’ with Charles Elrick resident. I believe this was to be found above the Coull of Ledmacoy and have given it a separate listing.

1926 – Electoral Roll

The Register confirms the following residents with a right to vote :

  • John McDougall
  • Helen George
  • Bella Dey Findlay

1946 – Civilian Residence Register

The Register confirms the following residents :

  • Helen George – Ledmacoy Cottage
  • Annie Grant – Ledmacoy Cottage
  • Harold Stuart – Ledmacoy
  • Eliza Stuart – Ledmacoy


1966 – Electoral Roll

The Register confirms the following residents with a right to vote :

  • Peter Stuart
  • Eliza Stuart
  • Harold Stuart
  • Charles Low (Caravan)

Present Day

Ledmacoy Farm now has a Shepherd’s Hut where you can stay and experience the sights, sounds and beuatiful views of Glen Nochty. It’s extremely cosy and thoroughly recommended! More info direct from their site here.

Ledmacoy shepherd hut

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