Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Corriebreck

Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Corriebreck

Corriebreck is now a ruin but was once a thriving farm. It was historic connections to the Forbes family. There is an Allanach connection through Alexander Allanach who resided there in the 19th century.

View of site

No clips available at present

Meaning of Name

According to ‘Place Names of West Aberdeenshire’ Corriebreck’s name comes from Gaelic, ‘Farm named from Coire breac, ” speckled corrie.”

The name has also been spelt Correybreck in documents.

Aerial Drone footage

Aerial view of the Corriebreck site not yet available.

Archaeological notes from Canmore

There are two associated notes/ sites from Canmore listed for Corriebreck.

120385 –  Farmstead (Period Unassigned)

The farmstead of Corriebreck, which remained in use after the beginning of the 20th century (OS 6-inch map, Aberdeenshire, 2nd edition, sheet lx, 1903), comprises a simple U-shaped range around three sides of a S-facing court. Built of mortar-bonded random rubble masonry, it survives to a height of 4m at the NE corner, but much less elsewhere. On the N side of the court there is a byre measuring 27.5m from E to W by 4.5m internally, with a single wide entrance to the N, and three smaller entrances on the S leading into the court. The W wing of the range comprises a single building, measuring 12.4m from N to S by 4.3m internally, which abuts the W end of the byre and has an entrance close to the S end of the E wall. The E wing of the court contains a two-compartment building, measuring 12.4m from N to S by 4.5m internally; this abuts the E end of the byre and has an entrance towards the S end of the W wall. The lack of a separate dwelling at the steading suggests that it must have been incorporated into the range, either in the E or W wings. The court contains a shallow midden hollow and the remains of a sheep-dip.

Visited by RCAHMS (JRS, ATW) 4 March 1998

169309 – Corriebreck Rig And Furrow (Medieval)

Fragmentary remains of broad rig-and-furrow have been recorded on vertical aerial photographs (106G/Scot/UK 139 3101-2, flown 3 July 1946) about 210m E of the abandoned farmsteading of Corriebreck (NJ31SW 28). Since the photographs, some of the rig has been eroded by a change in the course of the Nochty Water, and the rest of the area has been afforested; on the date of visit no trace of the rig was seen.

Visited by RCAHMS (JRS, ATW) 4 March 1998.


1696 – Poll Book

The 1696 Poll Book gives mention of Corriebreck :

James Grant of Corriebreck his particular valuatione within the parioch of Invernochtie is fifty pounds 50 0 0. The hundreth pairt whereof is 0 10 0
Nota This is not divyded among the tennents in the poll list given up but is to be payed be the heretor in a soum
Item Corriebrecks oune poll according to his valuatione is 4 and of generall poll is 6s inde both is 4 6 0
Item his wyfe and John and George Grants his sones with Anna and Elizabeth Grants his daughters payes of generall poll each 6s is 1 10 0
Item John Malice his servant his fee 10 per annum fortieth pairt whereof is 5s and generall poll 6s inde both is 0 11 0
Item Robert Reid also his servant his fee 10 per annum fortieth pairt whereof is 5s and generall poll 6s inde both is 0 11 0
Item Janet Nairne a woman servant her fee 5 merks per annum fortieth pairt whereof is Is 10d and generall poll 6s both is 0 7 10
Item William Keson tennent widower and his sone their generall poll is 0 12 0
Item James Kesson tennent and his wife their generall poll is 0 12 0
Item Jannet Mulliert widow her generall poll is 060
Item Robert Murgine her servant his fee 6 per annum fortieth pairt whereof is 3s and generall poll 6s inde both is 090
Item John Tayleor tennent no wyfe his generall poll is 060
Item Elspet Mullier a woman servant her fee 5 merks per annum fortieth pairt whereof is Is 10d and generall poll both is 0 7 10
Total 9 18 8

1747 – Roys Military Map

Roy’s Military mentions Corriebreck.

1841 – Census

The 1841 census states the following individuals as resident in Corriebreck. The enumerator marks three properties (headed by Jean McKay, Isobel McPherson and George McHardy)

  • Jean McKay – 20
  • William McKay – 1
  • Wiiliam Thain – 65 – Weaver
  • Isobel McPherson – 35
  • George McHardy – 35 – Farmer
  • Susan McHardy – 35
  • William McHardy – 9
  • John McHardy – 6
  • James McHardy – 4
  • Elizabeth McHardy – 9 months

1843 – Map

Corriebreck is featured on the first OS map.

1849 – Newspaper Article

William Farquharson of Corriebreck comes third at putting the stone and first at dancing at the Lonach Games.

1851 – Census

The 1851 census states the following individuals as resident in Corriebreck . The enumerator has divided Corriebreck  into four dwellings (number 64 headed by Jane McKay, number 65 headed by Anne Grassick, number 66 headed by George Coutts and number 67 headed by Charles Farquharson)

  • Jane McKay – 31 – Head – Farm Servant’s wife– POB Strathdon
  • Adam McKay – 8 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • May McKay – 6 – Daughter – At Home – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander McKay – 4 – Son – POB Strathdon
  • Robert McKay – 2 – Son – POB Strathdon
  • Ann Grassick – 56 – Head – Widow – Pauper (Crofter’s Wife) – POB Strathdon
  • George Grassick – 20 – Son – Agricultural Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • Jane Grassick – 12 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • George Coutts – 39 – Head – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Coutts – 41 – Wife – POB Kirkmichael, Banffshire
  • Mary Coutts – 8 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Kirkmichael, Banffshire
  • Margaret Coutts – 7 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Kirkmichael, Banffshire
  • Alexander Coutts – 4 – Son – POB Inchmarlo, Aberdeenshire
  • Jane Coutts -2- Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • Charles Farquharson – 60 – Head – Ag Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret Farquharson – 59 – Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Farquharson – 24 – Daughter – Farm Servant – POB Strathdon
  • John Farquharson – 13 – Scholar – POB Strathdon

1860 – Newspaper Article

Peter Reid of Wardheads Corriebreck is sent to trial and found not proven of stealing a sheep from fellow Corriebreck farmer F Farquarhson. By the 1861 census Peter Reid is living at a neighbouring property called ‘Greenhill’ on the census.

1861 – Census

The 1861 census states the following individuals as resident in Corriebreck . The enumerator has divided Corriebreck  into six dwellings (number 57 headed by George Coutts, number 58 headed by James Dow, number 59 headed by Jane McHardy, number 60 headed by George McHardy, number 61 headed by Ann Grassick and number 62 headed by Margaret Farquharson)

  • George Coutts – 49 – Head – Pauper (farm servant) – POB Strathdon
  • Betty Coutts – 49 – Wife – POB Strathdown, Banffshire
  • Mary Coutts – 18 – Daughter – Domestic Servant – POB Strathdown, Banffshire
  • Jean Coutts – 12 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Janet Kerr – 8 months – Granddaughter – POB Strathdon
  • Isobel Coutts – 8 – Niece – POB Auchendoir, Aberdeenshire
  • Elizabeth Coutts -5- Niece – POB Auchendoir, Aberdeenshire
  • James Dow – 54 – Head – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Jane McHardy – 52 – Head – Ploughman’s Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret McHardy – 17 – Daughter – General Servant – POB Strathdon
  • George McHardy – 10 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • George McHardy – 55 – Head – Ag Lab – POB Tarland
  • Elizabeth McHardy – 20 – Daughter – Domestic Servant – POB Strathdon
  • Mary A Davidson – 8 – Granddaughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Ann Grassick – 66 – Head – Pauper (Crofter’s Widow) – POB Strathdon
  • Hellen Grassick – 28 – Daughter – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret Farquharson – 68 – Head – Labourer’s Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Robert Farquharson – 6 – Grandson – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Catherine Farquharson – 4 – Granddaughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon

1871 – Census

The 1871 census states the following individuals as resident in Corriebreck . The enumerator has divided Corriebreck  into six dwellings (number 59 headed by George Coutts, number 60 headed by James Dow, number 61 headed by Jane McHardy, number 62  Helen Grassick, number 63 headed by Margaret Mitchell and number 64 headed by Peter Dow). Unusually, 63 isnt given a ‘Head’ on classification and only given half a line to indicate a separate dwelling.

  • George Coutts – 59 – Head – Pauper (farm servant) – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth Coutts – 49 – Wife – Pauper – POB Strathdown, Banffshire
  • Jane Coutts – 21 – Daughter – Pauper – POB Strathdon
  • John Coutts – 19 – Son – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Janet Kerr – 10 – Granddaughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • George Craigmyle – 8 – Grandson – POB Strathdon (marked as ‘idiot’)
  • Elspit Coutts – 6 – Granddaughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • James Dow – 44 – Head – Pauper (formerly Ag Lab)- POB Strathdon
  • Jane McHardy – 63 – Head – Pauper (Farm Servant’s widow) – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret McHardy – 27 – Daughter – Sicknurse – POB Strathdon
  • Mary McHardy – 4 – Granddaughter – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret McHardy – 1 – Granddaughter – POB Strathdon
  • Helen Grassick – 39 – Head (unmarried) – Pauper (from domestic servant) – POB Strathdon
  • James Grassick – 1 – Son – POB Strathdon
  • George H Grassick – 1 – Son – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret Mitchell – 47 – Wife – Shepherd’s Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Charles Mitchell – 19 – Son – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Charles Mitchell – 2 – Grandson – POB Strathdon
  • Peter Dow – 68 – Head – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Ann Dow – 63 – Wife – POB Kildrummy

1875 – Newspaper Advert

An advert from July 1875 advises of the sale of the estate belonging to the Earl of Fife.

1876 – Newspaper Advert

Tenders are requested for laying drains at Corriebreck.

1878 – Newspaper Article

Isabella McHardy from neighbouring Blairnamuick farm is found guilty of turnip theft from Corriebreck.

1881 – Census

The 1881 census states the following individuals as resident in Corriebreck . The enumerator has divided Corriebreck  into six dwellings (number 38 headed by Margaret Dow, number 39 headed by George Coutts, number 40 headed by John Hay, number 41 headed by  Helen Grassick, number 42 headed by William Mitchell and number 43 headed by Isabella McHardy).

  • Margaret Dow – 49 – Head – Shoemaker’s Widow– POB Mortlach, Banffshire
  • Peter Dow – 23 – Son – Farm Servant – POB Glenbuchat
  • John Dow – 21 – Son – General Labourer – POB Glenbuchat
  • Mary Dow – 15 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Glenbuchat
  • George Dow – 11 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Isabella Dow – 11 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • William Dow – 6 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • George Coutts – 69 – Head – Pauper – POB Strathdon
  • Jane Coutts – 32 – Daughter – Pauper – POB Strathdon (marked ‘imbecile from birth’)
  • John Hay – 27 – Head – Tea Hawker – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret Hay – 37 – Wife -POB Strathdon
  • Ann Hay – Under 1 month – Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • Mary A McHardy – 14 – Step Daughter – Domestic Servant (out of employment) – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret J Mitchell – 11- Step-Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Isabella A Coutts – 8 – Sep-Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Helen Coutts – 5 – Step-Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • James McHardy – 3 – Nephew – POB Strathdon
  • Jane McHardy – 73 – Mother-In-Law – Pauper – POB Strathdon
  • Helen Grassick – Head – 41 – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • James Grassick – 11 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • William Mitchell – 71 – Head – Pauper – POB Crathie
  • Margaret Mitchell – 58 – Wife – Pauper – POB Strathdon
  • Isabella McHardy – 30 – Head – Shepherd’s Wife – POB Strathdon
  • John McHardy – 6 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Mary McHardy – 5 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Helen McHardy – 2 – Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • Ann G McHardy – 1 month – Daughter – POB Strathdon

1878 – Newspaper Article

Charles Mitchell of Corriebreck is witness to an unusual slander case.
21 May 1886 Slander case Ann McHardy Blairnamuick

1891 – Census

The 1891 census states the following individuals as resident in Corriebreck . The enumerator has divided Corriebreck  into four dwellings (number 37 headed by Margaret Dow, number 38 headed by Helen Grassick, number 39 headed by Margaret Mitchell, and number 40 headed by  Scott Stewart).

  • Margaret Dow – 59 – Head – Crofter– POB Mortlach, Banffshire
  • Mary Dow – 26 – Daughter – Domestic Servant – POB Glenbuchat
  • Isabella Dow – 22 – Daughter – Domestic Servant – POB Strathdon
  • George Dow – 22 – Son – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Helen Grassick – 58 – Head – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret Mitchell – 68 – Head – Stocking Knitter – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Allanach – 4 – Grandson – POB Strathdon
  • Scott Stewart – 52 – Head – Ag Lab – POB Glenbuchat
  • Ann Stewart – 41 – Wife – POB Crathie
  • Helen Stewart – 16 – Daughter – Rural Letter Courier – POB Glenbuchat
  • Charles Stewart – 9 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth A Stewart – 6 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Ana Scott Stewart – 5 – Daughter – POB Strathdon


1901 – Census

The 1901 census states the following individuals as resident in Corriebreck . The enumerator has divided Corriebreck  into four dwellings (number 47 headed by Mary Dow, number 48 headed by Helen Grassick, number 49 headed by Margaret Smith, and number 500 headed by Margaret Mitchell).

  • Mary Dow – 32 – Head – Domestic Servant – POB Glenbuchat
  • Helen Grassick – 68 – Head – Ag Lab – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret Smith – 40 – Head – Pauper – POB Strathdon
  • John Smith – 13 – Son – Scholar – POB Kennethmont, Aberdeenshire
  • James Smith – 11 – Son – Scholar – POB Kennethmont, Aberdeenshire
  • Francis Smith – 9 – Son – Scholar – POB Towie
  • William Smith – 6 – Son – Scholar – POB Towie
  • Margaret Mitchell – 71 – Head – Pauper – POB Strathdon

1911 – Census

The 1911 census states the following individuals as resident in Corriebreck. The census indicates three properties, one of which is uninhabited, as shown below.

  • Helen Grassick – 72 – Head – Retired Washerwoman – POB Strathdon
  • Maggie Smith – 50 – Head – Dressmaker – POB Strathdon
  • Maggie Rogie – 27 – Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • John Rogie – 5 months – Grandson – POB Strathdon

1921 – War Memorial

The Strathdon war memorial in Bellabeg is unveiled 7th August 1921 attended by the Honourable Percy M Thesiger of Tornashean and Private George Masson of Coul of Newe. It is dedicated the same day attended by Rev William Watt BD and Rev Archibald Thomson of Corgarff. On it bears the name of Lance Corporal John Taylor of Corriebreck.

John belonged to the 2nd Bn Gordon Highlanders (1221), and died aged 21 on the 25th September 1915. He is commemorated at the Strathdon War Memorial, as well as at the Loos Memorial (Panel 115-119) in France. He was the son of George and Margaret Taylor Finnie, of 352 King St West, Toronto, Canada.

1921 – Census

The 1921 census states the following individuals as resident in Corriebreck.

  • Mary Dow – 51 – Head – Domestic Service – POB Glenbuchat

1926 – Electoral Roll

The Register mentions the following residents of Corriebreck.

  • Mary Dow
  • Margaret Smith
  • William Smith

1946 – Civilian Residence Register

The Register states no residents of Corriebreck.

1966 – Electoral Roll

The Register states no residents of Corriebreck..

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