Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Blairnamuick

Glen Nochty – One-Place Study – Blairnamuick

Blairnamuick is now a ruin and testament to how quickly buildings fade from both the landscape and memory. It was a working croft until the turn of the last century and a Gaelic speaking household.

Note the census information below sometimes states numerous families lived at the croft and that some were paupers. I suspect these were a ‘colony’ as they were called locally. In ‘Stray Memories of Strathdon’, it is noted that, “Likewise there was a long ‘street’, or row of dwelling-houses on the road between Belnaboddach and Blairnamuick and a clachan at Ordgarff, but these are nowehere now to be traced, the larachs having become buried or removed.”(p27)

View of site

Unfortunately I have been unable to visit the site and I understand it is now obscured by tree growth so no photos are available. On a modern map it probably exists roughly where the clearing is on the central track as shown below.

Meaning of name

The name ‘Blairnamuick’ is an anglicisation of the Gaelic ‘blàr nam muc’, meaning ‘field of the pigs’.

Aerial Drone footage

We do not yet have aerial footage of the site.


Archaeological notes from Canmore

“The ruins of a small cottage, now planted with trees, are situated on the W side of a forestry track on the Candacraig Estate. It is of lime-mortared build, with walls 0.7m thick and up to 1.8m high at the NW corner; a small garden enclosure is visible immediately to the S. The building is one of two that are depicted as roofed on 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Aberdeenshire, 1869, sheet lx); it was unroofed by the end of the 19th century (OS 6-inch map, Aberdeenshire, 2nd edition, 1903, sheet lx), but its neighbour to the N, whilst still roofed in 1903, has since been reduced to little more than a pile of rubble.

Visited by RCAHMS (JRS), 3 October 1997.” Source Canmore.


1747 – Roys Military Map

Roys military map mentions Blairnamuick as Blairmuck

1757 – Schools List

There is speculation that Blairnamuick might have acted as a school because in the list of schools maintained by The Society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge in the year 1757 it is recorded :

“Blairnamuck Strathdon 34 (Scholars)”

1841 – Census

The 1841 census states the following individuals as resident in Blairnamuick

  • Ann McPherson – 35 – (Marked as not born in Scotland)
  • Hellen McPherson – 10
  • James McPherson – 5
  • John McPherson – 3
  • Cath McPherson – 1
  • Mary Anderson – 40
  • John Stewart – 41 – Farmer
  • Margaret Stewart – 36
  • James Stewart – 13
  • Sophia Stewart – 11
  • Kate Stewart – 8
  • William Stewart – 6
  • Jane Stewart – 3

1843 – Map

Blairnamuick is not featured on the first OS map. However, others have speculated that the buildings to the North of Corriebreck are in fact Blairnamuick (unlabelled). This ties in with the multitude of dwellings seen in the 1841 and 1851 censuses.


1851 – Census

The 1851 census states the following individuals as resident in Blairnamuick. The enumerator has divided the croft into six separate families/ dwellings (58 headed by John Stewart, 59 headed by Mary Anderson, 60 headed by James Dow, 61 headed by Jane McHardy, 62 headed by Hellen Beattie and 63 headed by George McHardy)

  • John Stewart – 50 – Farmer of 8 acres – POB Strathdon
  • Isobel Stewart – 50 – Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Jane Stewart – 12 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • John Stewart – 10 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Charles Stewart – 7 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret Stewart – 4 – Daughter
  • Joan Dewars – 4 – Stepdaughter – POB Dundee
  • Mary Anderson – 56 – Head (unmarried) – Ag Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • Catharine Hay – 24 – Daughter – Ag Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • James Dow – 44 –  Head -Ag Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • James Dow – 11 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Jane McHardy – 42 – Head – Farm Servant’s Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Margaret McHardy – 7 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • George McHardy – 9 months – Son – POB Strathdon
  • Hellen Beattie – 66 – Head – Pauper – POB Strathdon
  • George McHardy – 45 – Head – Ag Labourer – POB Strathdon
  • Susan McHardy – 47 – Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Elizabeth McHardy – 10 – Scholar – POB Strathdon

1861 – Census

The 1861 census states the following individuals as resident in Blairnamuick. The enumerator has divided the croft into two separate families/ dwellings (55 headed by John Stuart,  and 56 headed by Mary Anderson)

  • John Stuart – 59 – Head – Crofter 8 acres – POB Strathdon
  • Isabella Stuart – 40 – Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Joan Dewars – 14 – Stepdaughter – Scholar – POB Dundee
  • Margaret Stuart – 11 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Ann Stuart – 9 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • William Stuart – 6 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • John Stuart – 3 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Anderson – 64 – Head – Ag Labourer – POB Strathdon

1871 – Census

The 1871 census states the following individuals as resident in Blairnamuick. The enumerator has divided the croft into four separate families/ dwellings (55 headed by James McPherson, 56 headed by Isabella McHardy, 57 headed by William Dow and 58 headed by Mary Anderson).

  • James McPherson – 76 – Head – Pauper (formerly ag lab) – POB Strathdon
  • Ann McPherson – 73 – Wife – Pauper (formerly ag lab) – POB Inveravon
  • Elizabeth McPherson – 24 – Daughter – Housemaid (out of employment) – POB Strathdon
  • James Davie – 12 – Grandson – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Ann Farquharson – 5 – Granddaughter – 5 – POB Strathdon
  • Isobella McHardy – 48 – Head – Farmer of 16 acres, of which 12 arable – POB Strathdon
  • William Stuart – 16 – Son – Farmer’s son – POB Strathdon
  • Ann McHardy – 6 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Duncan McHardy – 9 – Boarder – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • William McHardy – 7 – Boarder – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • William Dow – 39 – Head – Shoemaker (Journeyman) – POB Glenbucket
  • Margaret Dow – 39 – Wife – POB Mortlach
  • Peter Dow – 13 – Son – Scholar – POB Glenbucket
  • Margaret Dow – 10 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Glenbucket
  • Mary Dow – 6 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Glenbucket
  • Elizabeth Dow – 4 – Daughter – 4 – POB Strathdon
  • George Dow – 2 – Son – POB Strathdon
  • Isabella Dow – 2 – Daughter – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Anderson – 74 – Head – Pauper (formerly Farm Servant) – POB Strathdon
  • Isabella Clark – 21 – Servant – Sick nurse – POB Strathdon

1875 – Newspaper Article

William Dow from Blairnamuick is charged with assaulting a farmer from Glenbucket, William Beattie, on the main road through the Glen near Corrybreck.

1875 12 May Assault William Dow against William Beattie Glenbucket Blairnamuick

1878 – Newspaper Article

Isabella McHardy from Blairnamuick is found guilty of stealing turnips from nearby Corrybreck farm.

1878 17 Jan Turnip theft by Isabella McHardy Blairnamuick from Correybreck Blairnamuick

1881 – Census

The 1881 census states the following individuals as resident in Blairnamuick. The enumerator has divided the croft into three separate families/ dwellings (35 headed by James Reid, 36 headed by Helen Watt and 37 headed by Isabella Reid).

  • James Reid – 41 – Head – Shepherd – POB Strathdon
  • Helen Watt – 42 – Head – Shepherd’s Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Watt – 12 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Ann Watt – 10 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • Eliza Watt – 8 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • William Watt – 4 – Son – POB Glenbucket
  • Robert Watt – 1 – POB Glenbucket
  • Isabella Reid – 53 – Head – Farmer of 37 acres, of which 12 arable – POB Strathdon
  • William Stuart – 25 – Son – Farmer’s son – POB Strathdon
  • Ann McHardy – 16 – Daughter – Farmer’s Daughter – POB Strathdon

1886 – Newspaper Article

Ann McHardy of Blairnamuick brings an action against her step-father John Reid after she alledges slander for describing her as a prostitute in a conversation with James Allanach and James Clark.

1878 17 Jan Turnip theft by Isabella McHardy Blairnamuick from Correybreck Blairnamuick

1886 – Newspaper Article

St Johns Fair is held every August – James Reid sells ‘cross lambs’ for 16s each.

1886 30 Aug Johns Fair livestock prices Blairnamuick

1891 – Census

The 1891 census states the following individuals as resident in Blairnamuick. Two dwellings are listed, but one is stated as unoccupied. Gaelic language is also noted for the property.

  • James Taylor – 42 – Head – Farmer – POB Auchterless
  • Jane Taylor – 50 – Wife – Farmer’s Wife – POB Strathdon
  • James Taylor – 16 – Son – Farmer’s Son – POB Strathdon
  • Eliza Taylor – 14 – Daughter – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • John Taylor – 11 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon

1901 – Census

The 1901 census states the following individuals as resident in Blairnamuick. Just one dwelling is now listed and no Gaelic language is noted for the property.

  • James Taylor – 53 – Head – Farmer – POB Auchterless
  • Jane Taylor – 59 – Wife – Farmer’s Wife – POB Strathdon
  • Alexander Taylor – 16 – Son – Ploughman – POB Strathdon

1911 – Census

The 1911 census states the following individuals as resident in Blairnamuick. Two dwellings are now listed – (28 headed by James Taylor and 29 described as Blairnamuick Roadside headed by Mary Dow). No Gaelic language is noted for the property despite Jane Taylor previously professing proficiency.

  • James Taylor – 37 – Head – Farmer – POB Strathdon
  • Jane Taylor – 69 – Mother – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Dow – 43 – Head – Housekeeper – POB Glenbucket

1921 – Census

The 1921 census states the following individuals as resident in Blairnamuick. Just one dwelling is now listed and Gaelic language is again noted for the property.

  • James Taylor – 46 – Head – Farmer – POB Strathdon
  • Mary Taylor – 36 – Wife – Farmer’s Wife – POB Kenruckmort
  • James Taylor – 6 – Son – Scholar – POB Strathdon
  • William Taylor – 2 – Son – POB Strathdon
  • George Macleod – 45 – Boarder – Shepherd – Employer W Y Gunn – POB Corgaich, Ross
  • Alfred Steele – 33 – Boarder – Farm Manager – Employer WY Gunn – POB West Stafford, Dorset

1926 – Electoral Roll

The Register confirms the following residents with a right to vote :

  • Annie Milne Smith
  • James Smith

1946 – Civilian Residence Register

The Register contains no mention of Blairnamuick

1966 – Electoral Roll

The Register contains no mention of Blairnamuick

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